This motto is what drives physician and other healthcare clinical training, though the method can unnerve patients - “This is the first time you are doing this?!” But the concept of learning, doing, and then teaching makes sense. You never really know something until you articulate it to others. Teaching someone else helps you realize your full understanding. As I promote using gratitude to improve your mental health and professional success, I also promote teaching youth these skills for their own success. What better win-win for working parents than to teach their children how to express gratitude! While improving their children's futures, parents will maximize their own Gratitude Bump™. SEE how to express gratitude to maximize your Gratitude Bump. Learn the 4 steps to include in your expressions. DO express it often. TEACH your children how to do it - this helps you catch any important steps you skip. When you teach others how to follow the 4 steps, you cement the method for yourself. Click below for your free Gratitude Bump™ card. This favorite tool of my clients who are parents gives the four essential steps that maximize your Gratitude Bump* to create your success today. Use it to teach your children while making this life-building skill a habit for yourself.
Megan Mayer