The Motive
The Price of Privilege
An research-based approach to embracing greater power and confidence. This book can improve your pitch, presentations, and networking for years going forward.
Patrick Lencioni of The Table Group shares his fundamental "why" on leadership. Although the fable makes use of unhelpful gender stereotypes, there remains much to learn from Lencioni's advice.
A research-based comparison of "growth" versus "fixed" mindsets and how they foster or limit learning and success in life. Interviewers often screen for growth mindsets in candidates.
A research-based guide for parents on how to foster growth, and how parental intrusion can lead to increased depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Your professional life will benefit from these parental leadership lessons.
The Blessings of A
The Power of Resilience
Twin brothers - a physician and an attorney - share their lessons on how they collaborated to improve healthcare in the United States. Their 15 Lessons on how to bring the change you want to see is a valuable capsulation.
Psychologist Angla Duckworth reveals how passion and perseverance can exceed talent in achieving lifelong success.
Her experience as a clinical psychologist gives Wendy Mogul exceptional insight when describing how discovery of herself and her religion of origin guided effective parenting. Her lessons apply to all leaders.
Brooks and Goldstein offer 10 tenets of resilient living, describing in detail how to achieve each.